Community Outreach
Representatives of various charitable organizations “set up shop” before and after worship service on the first Sunday in November. Donations are requested as “alternate Christmas gifts.” Cards are sent to recipients informing them that a monetary gift has been given in their name.
Congregants select anonymous tags of needy children of Willard School, our partner in Adopt-a-School, and provide Christmas gifts for them.
Under the direction of the Deacons, this free lunch, prepared alternately by FPC and Christ Episcopal Church, is served at FPC by our Church volunteers the third Tuesday of each month. Afterwards, free groceries are provided to eligible recipients. To volunteer, contact the Church Office at 330-393-1524.
A Second Harvest Food Bank Cupboard. Free groceries are given to those eligible the third Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. to noon. Second Harvest Food Bank newsletter – Spring 2022
Partnered with Warren City Schools Willard K-8, FPC provides students with school supplies, honor lunches (four times a year), and tutoring. At Christmas, presents are provided to needy students through our Love Tree.
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Voices of Micah is a welcoming, compassionate small group that acts intentionally to dismantle racism and initiate justice reform. In solidarity, we unite with all God’s children through educational opportunities, outreach, service, dialogue with and participation in the diverse cultures of our neighborhood. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly, as we encourage and accept diversity in our work and relationships. If you have a passion for this ministry, please contact Donna Latessa or Jenny Annandono though the church office.
Meeting space in the Church is provided for these support groups:
• Al-Anon
• Narcotics Anonymous
• AA
• Crossroads Bereavement group
• OA – Overeaters Anonymous

The Love Tree

WGH High School Band Concert